
Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

Fri-Yay! - Week of July 22nd

Happy Fri-Yay, Reader! As we get ready to move into August, be on the look out for some announcements in Pro regarding Masterminds and upcoming EIR events. We're excited to share some updates with you soon! Let's have a look at what was happening in Pro this week! Congratulations are in order for these Pros celebrating their wins: Ashley uses ManyChat and wins big! MV completes the challenge of creating her 1st $9 offer! Tracy's podcast is top 10% globally! What are you working on? What are...

The 100th Issue of Unstuck! (A preview from my upcoming book)

Issue #100 | July 23rd, 2024 Presented by Ascent Equity Hi, it's Pat! I can’t believe we’re already at 100 total Unstuck newsletters — that’s insane! I wouldn’t have been able to keep up without the amazing support and feedback from subscribers. So on behalf of the entire team at SPI, THANK YOU! Seriously — you’re the best! To celebrate 100 newsletters, I wanted to include something special for you in this one. I’m currently 14 days away from turning in the second draft of my manuscript for...

Being afraid… to ask.

Issue #99 | July 16th, 2024 Presented by ConvertKit Hi, it's Pat! Have you ever found yourself hesitating to ask for help, worried that you might come off as too needy or greedy? I definitely have.We often hold ourselves back, trapped by the fear of imposing on others. Yet, this very hesitation can prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. Imagine unlocking the secret to confidently ask for what you need — whether it's a favor, a sale, or simply a helping hand — without feeling like...

The art of playing around.

Issue # 98 | July 9th, 2024 Presented by Premium Ghostwriting Blueprint Hi, it’s Pat! Someone recently told me, “Pat, you’re always playing around.” If I were still a young adult, I would probably take offense to this. But today I embrace it and purposefully bake it into my work in a special way. In this newsletter, let me tell you why play should be a part of every business owner's toolkit. We'll explore how incorporating play into your routine can spark creativity, foster resilience, and...

You never know who’s watching

Issue # 96 | June 25th, 2024 Presented by Portless Hi, it's Pat! Back in 2012, I almost stopped podcasting. I was around episode 60 and the downloads had seemed to hit a plateau. It was hard to stay motivated to keep going, especially when my blog was producing way more traffic and I was about to start writing my first book. On paper, it didn’t make sense to keep the show. I was producing it all myself and it was taking about 10 hours a week—time I could have used for the book instead. But...

Where on the “Connection Spectrum” does your brand live?

Issue # 95 | June 18th, 2024 Presented by Premium Ghostwriting Blueprint Hi, it's Pat! Everyone knows that connection is crucial when building a brand and business online. Regardless of your topic, the way you connect with your target audience is vital. But some methods allow for deeper connections than others. However, deeper connections come at a cost — they require more of your time. Finding the right balance between connection and time commitment is essential, but it can be challenging to...
Image of Pat working at a white board

5 steps to build an unforgettable personal brand in 2024

Issue # 94 | June 11th, 2024 Presented by The Headturner Hi, it's Pat! I recently published a video about personal branding that appears to have helped a lot of people: And yes, you’re reading that right — it’s called Brand in a Hand, and it’ll change the way you think about personal branding. Why is this important? Building your personal brand is more crucial than ever. In today's highly competitive, AI-driven world, it not only differentiates you from a growing number of professionals but...
An AI-generated 16-bit image of an office with a desk. On the desk is a computer, and on the computer monitor is a big pot of soup.

How to make your messages hit home every time

Issue # 93 | June 4th, 2024 Presented by Hostinger Hi, it's Pat! Today, I want to share a simple exercise to help you make your messages clearer and more impactful. The better you can do that, the more equipped you will be to build an audience and sell anything online. Most people, myself included, tend to over-explain everything. In today’s world, our words need to be precise in order to hit home for our audiences. Otherwise, they may move on to someone else without realizing that what we...
An AI-generated 16-bit image of two guys at a desk, each with a computer in front of them. The guy on the left has his head down on the desk. The guy on the right has his arms raised in victory. The text reads "To share or not to share your goals?"

The science (and truth) about sharing your goals

Issue # 92 | May 28th, 2024 Presented by ThriveCart Hi, it's Pat! Are you more likely to succeed if you share your goals with others, or keep them to yourself? I’ve always wondered what the right answer is. On one hand, public accountability seems important. On the other, does sharing our goals trick our minds into believing we’re making progress when we’re really not? Well, it turns out both are true. I’ve recently discovered that there’s a very specific way to share your goals that can mean...
An AI-generated image of a small seedling poking out of dry, cracked ground.

Turn setbacks into success: my secret weapon

Issue # 91 | May 21st, 2024 Presented by Premium Ghostwriting Blueprint Hi, it's Pat! I’ve learned a lot about starting and running a business over the past 15 years. Ironically, none of that knowledge has proven as useful as the strategic questions I’ve learned to ask at key moments. Information can be helpful, but knowing what questions to ask allows me to hyperfocus my attention and take the right action at the right time. One question you may have heard me discuss a lot comes from Tim...

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.